New Year’s Resolution Ideas | A Mindful Approach  

Starting The New Year with a Mindful Approach

Did you start the new year off ambitious with several goals and challenges? If you are like many American’s you have most likely been attempting to maintain a new regiment or activity. Why not start 2021 using a mindful approach. Support you and your family in being centered as well as happy, healthy, and loved.

1.       Consider Your Intentions –Honoring the personal meaning behind an action helps us maintain our resolve.

2.       Focus on Process, Not Results- The focus on resolution should be the process- the infinite presents moments in which transformation will occur-rather than the single instance of its attainment.

3.       Change Your Habit Loop-self transformation being with self-awareness. First turn your attention to the habits that you would like to change, and examine what sustains those habits.

4.       Be Kind to Yourself-No matter what intentions we set for ourselves, there will be days and weeks when we don’t live up to our expectations. A fundamental lesson we learn through practicing mindfulness is that we are constantly beginning again-each day, each breath. The same goes for resolutions. When we fall short, we can gently and non-judgmentally bring our awareness back to our intention.

5.       Get Outside and Appreciate A Bit Of Nature-You can simply take a good book and sit outside of your house, or go on a hike. We often take nature for granted.

6.       Consider Resolution Alternatives- Try not to become stuck in one way of thinking. Find alternatives if your original plan does not work out! if the pandemic has taught us nothing, flexibility is key!

7.       Self-Care- The most important resolution you should have is to truly take care of yourself. Try to be more compassionate and kind, and free yourself from self-judgment. Start enjoying things you have neglected, and treat yourself for the right reasons.

8.       Travel, But Not in the Usual Way-Travel to enrich your life, go places that challenge your beliefs and ideas about the world. There's no need to buy a plane ticket either, you could explore your own towns, cities, and country safely. 

9.       Try A New Food Once A Month- Be a little more adventurous by introducing your palate to something new or try cooking up a new dish.

10.   Be A Kid Again-Being an adult is exhausting and stressful, let’s face it. This year I dare you to bring out your inner child. Do all things you would have loved to do as a kid. Not sure what to do, let your kids take the lead. Join in on their imaginative fun and get lost in the adventure!

11.   Spend Less Time Online-Take a break from technology. We know it’s impossible to cut out the technology altogether but you can monitor the time you spend on the screen.

12.   Say Hello to Strangers-smiling is free and easy to do, if you are masked, wave and say hello! This fosters a sense of community and connection.

13.   Give Back To The Community –Giving back to your community can have a lasting impact on you and the people or cause you chose to help.

14.   Stop Texting And Start Talking- Try holding a good old fashioned conversation! It’s nice to chat with others.

15.   Find A Shared Hobby With A Friend, Spouse, Or Your Children- Connecting with those around you will allow you to feel closer while also learning more about those closest to you!

16.   Stop Scrolling And Start Reading- You get out of life what you put in. Pick up your favorite book instead of your phone, read a chapter, and not a tweet. This will allow you to take a much-needed media diet and get in touch with your interests.

17.   Complain Less- This goes without saying. Being thankful for what you have is the best cure to complaining.

18.   Set Impossible Goals- challenge yourself to think outside the box, and do something you would never have done before.

19.   Decide What To Let Go- Are there thoughts feelings, situations, actions, etc… that have been weighing on you? Like Marie Kondo asks, “Does it bring you joy?” if not, then it’s time to let it go.

20.   Reflect On ( And Own) Your Wins




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